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Do dogs need their teeth cleaned?

Do dogs need their teeth cleaned?

Oral health care is just as important for dogs as regular dental care is for people - but many dogs do not get the cleanings they need and over 80% of US dogs suffer from some manner of dental disease. In today's post, our Montecito vets flag the signs of dental problems in dogs you should be aware of and explore the why, where, and how of doggy dental care.

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Dog Depression, Anxiety, and Nerves - How to Know If Your Dog is Depressed

Dog Depression, Anxiety, and Nerves - How to Know If Your Dog is Depressed

Our dogs are not immune to the effects of depression, anxiety, or nervousness. In this, they are no different than their loving owners. Today, our Montecito vets discuss strategies to help depressed dogs find their joy again.

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Cat Vaccines - Outdoor and Indoor Cat Vaccination Schedules

Cat Vaccines - Outdoor and Indoor Cat Vaccination Schedules

Today our Montecito vets explain why vaccines for indoor cats are essential. It is a common myth that indoor cats do not need vaccinations as outdoor cats do; while there are some risk factors indoor cats are at greatly reduced danger from, they nonetheless are endangered by preventable diseases if their owners choose not to vaccinate.

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Cat Laryngitis - What are the Symptoms?

Cat Laryngitis - What are the Symptoms?

Making sure your dog or cat has an annual vet checkup is the best way to help them have long and happy lives.  When our furry friends have health complications, the earlier they can be treated the better as it allows for more effective and less invasive treatment.  Routine exams allow our Montecito vets to monitor your dog or cat's overall health and keep them fit for fetching.

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The Importance of Dog Checkups and Cat Checkups

The Importance of Dog Checkups and Cat Checkups

Making sure your dog or cat has an annual vet checkup is the best way to help them have long and happy lives.  When our furry friends have health complications, the earlier they can be treated the better as it allows for more effective and less invasive treatment.  Routine exams allow our Montecito vets to monitor your dog or cat's overall health and keep them fit for fetching.

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Why Dogs Chew Things They Shouldn't and How To Stop Them

Why Dogs Chew Things They Shouldn't and How To Stop Them

While chewing is a normal activity for any dog, you likely don't want to sacrifice your new shoes, socks or a favorite book to your dog's pastime of choice. If you're at the end of your rope with your dog's destructive chewing, our Montecito veterinarians are here to explain why your dog may be chewing and how to help curb this habit. 

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Why Isn't My Cat Eating?

Why Isn't My Cat Eating?

It may be alarming to see that your cat has suddenly stopped eating. It can also be difficult to determine whether or not your feline companion requires an emergency veterinary visit because of this. Here, our Montecito vets share some of the common reasons why cats may stop eating and how to tell if they are in an emergency situation. 

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Skin Problems in Dogs: Itching, Scratching and More

Skin Problems in Dogs: Itching, Scratching and More

Excessive itching, scratching or licking are sure signs that your dog has some kind of irritation affecting their skin—often a condition call dermatitis. Discover here what may be causing these skin problems and how our Montecito vets can help you to treat them.

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Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear infections are a quite common reason for dogs to have to visit us at Montecito Pet Hospital. Thankfully, most ear infections in our canine companions are relatively easy to treat if they are caught early. Here are some of the signs of ear infections in your dog and what to do if your pup's ears aren't as healthy as they should be.

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What qualifications should I look for in a vet?

What qualifications should I look for in a vet?

As a conscientious pet parent, you love your four-legged friend and want to make sure that the vet you choose has the right qualifications to provide the veterinary care your animal needs. So, which qualifications should you look for? Our Montecito vets share insight. 

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